Who we are

Your privacy is of utmost importance to Shree Sai Sanitation, operating under the brand “COLDSTAR.”

COLDSTAR recognizes the significance of privacy concerns for individuals visiting our website. We understand that you care about the information you provide and how it’s treated. This privacy statement outlines how COLDSTAR collects and utilizes personal information.

Personal Information

Your personally identifiable information (such as name, address, contact number, email address, etc.) won’t be collected during your website visit unless you provide it voluntarily. Opting out of sharing personally identifiable information won’t have significant consequences, although certain promotions, product information, and feedback participation may be unavailable.

Data Security

COLDSTAR employs reasonable technical and organizational measures to prevent loss, misuse, or alteration of personal information.

Agents or contractors with access to your information are bound to confidentiality and can’t use the data for purposes other than services for COLDSTAR.

COLDSTAR isn’t liable if personally identifiable information posted on the website is misused by third parties due to no fault of COLDSTAR.

Automatically Collected Non-Personally Identifiable Information

Information like internet browser, operating system, and linked website domain may be collected for analytical purposes.

COLDSTAR doesn’t automatically collect personally identifiable information but may connect it to previously submitted data.

Cross-Border Data Transfers

Information submitted for website publication may be accessible globally.

COLDSTAR may disclose personal information to comply with legal requirements or legal proceedings.

Other Websites

COLDSTAR isn’t responsible for privacy practices of third-party websites linked on our site.

Information collected by third-party sites or applications isn’t under our control.


Server log files and tracking technologies, including cookies and web beacons, collect user behavior and preferences for internal analysis.

Your personally unidentifiable information is collected, stored, and processed to enhance website efficiency.

Deleting Your Information

To delete personally identifiable information provided, send a request to our customer services department.

Deleting certain information may cancel website registration and access to specific features.

Location Information

COLDSTAR uses third-party applications like Google Maps to collect location data for features like delivery tracking.

Location-related settings can be managed through device settings. IP addresses and other data may estimate general location.

For inquiries or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact our customer services department at the provided email address.

Reach us

Please mail us at support@coldstarbathfittings.com, if you have comments, queries, or concerns regarding our policies or practices.